Science ; Medicine

Benefit information for your health

الجمعة، 8 نوفمبر 2019

Are you wonder what are benefits of "linseed " flaxseed"?
Ok we'll talk about a very bulk laxative or lubricant
Linseed from the seeds containing mucilage
Linseed is the dried ripe seeds of Linum usitatissimum family Linaceae
The seeds containing mucilage like linseed , psyllium and triphala.
Linseed preparing by expression method. 
Preparations of linseed have two grade food grade and commercial grade.
Commercial grade linssed oil prepared by crushed seeds then expression on cold  , followed by solvent extraction.
But in Food grade prepared by crushed seeds on cold without solvent extraction in absence of oxygen.
Linseed rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acid
Omega-3 makes anti-inflammatory hormones .
Omega-6 makes pro-inflammatory hormones.
Linseed containing Lignans
Lignans are also anti-oxidant and phyto-oestrogens, prevent free radical damage. 
After extracting linseed oil the linseed cake can used for cattle food due to its protein and oil content.
Omega-3 fights against cancet so it know anticarcenogenic compound.
Mucilage cure and treat gastritis and stimulates the intestinal peristalsis especially peristalsis of the colon.ƐŞŠ